for as long as i can remember, my grandmother would make the-BEST sourdough waffles from a sourdough starter. it was her trademark. when we showed up to celebrate a holiday or birthday we knew exactly what we were getting and we were excited. my favorite part was that she would always make more then any of us could ever consume, so you never felt guilty going back for seconds, or fifths.
with easter coming up and it being a fantastic opportunity to make yummy breakfast and brunch foods, we thought we would share a recipe and printable tags to inspire your own sourdough tradition.

to make a starter you will need:
2 cups all-purpose flour . 2 teaspoons granulated sugar . 1 packet (2 1/4 tsp) of active dry yeast . 2 cups warm water
*** this will make enough for 2 starters***
1. mix the flour, sugar, and yeast together in a mixing bowl (ceramic or glass… no metal or plastic!) that can hold 2 quarts. gradually stir in the water and mix until it forms a thick paste. any lumps will disappear in the process.

if you are a bit wild in the kitchen (aka clumsy) like me, you’ll also want to wear an apron!

2. set your bowl with the mixture on a rimmed plate or tray and cover with a dish cloth. let it stand in a warm place (about 70 degrees) for 3 to 5 days. stir the mixture once per day.

your starter is ready when it develops a pleasant sour smell and looks bubbly.
3. next, transfer your starter to a container with a tight lid and store in the refrigerator. mason jars work great for this. you can also divide your starter into two containers (1 cup per starter is usually enough) and set aside to give a friend or neighbor.

next, download the cute labels below, cut them out, hole punch or circle the month and year you made the sourdough and place on the lid of a mason jar or use contact paper to adhere it to a different container. wouldn’t they make a cute hostess gift?

(click to download)
( see the cute pintucked napkin? it’s one of the projects from our threads sewing classes that will be released in just a few weeks…. april 9th!)
when you are ready to use your starter in a recipe, remove it from the fridge and let it come to room temperature. pour it into a glass or ceramic bowl and add 1 cup flour and 1 cup warm water. stir and let sit out overnight or at least 8 hours. return at least one cup back to it’s jar or container to store and use the rest in a recipe or as a gift. be sure to read any sourdough recipe carefully as some of them already include the above steps.
***UPDATE: use or “feed” your sourdough starter every 2 to 3 months. use the same steps to feed your starter as you would to use it in a recipe outlined above. you can find other recipes that require you to “feed” the starter every day or that use dairy ingredients instead of yeast. also note that (like most things) your sourdough starter will get better with age!***
we used this recipe to make the waffles above.
our test tasters were very pleased with the results!
xo . rae + jane
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